Private banking for your business: how does it work?

banking for your business

If you own a business that is enjoying rapid growth, the chances are that you already have quite enough to keep you occupied without worrying about banking. People outside the business world often assume that those within it understand every aspect of finance automatically, whereas, in fact, it takes precious time to research. Take private banking, for instance. Could it be useful to you? Where can you begin finding out? To learn more about the different options of private banking, visit

What is private banking?

Private banking is, in fact, the oldest form of banking, developed centuries ago in Venice to cater for the aristocracy. It was only with the rise of the mercantile classes that retail banking – which most of us know today as high street banking – began to emerge. Today, private banking focuses simply on wealth rather than on birthright and it affords a degree of privacy and circumspection to those whose financial circumstances are such that they’d rather deal directly with a dedicated manager, by appointment, than pop into the nearest branch of Barclay’s in their lunch hour.

What private banks do

The services offered by private banks differ between them, and sometimes between account types, but generally include the following:

  • Basic banking services (deposits, withdrawals, cheques, and card payments).
  • Savings accounts with favorable interest rates.
  • Access to loan options with preferential rates.
  • Guaranteed investment certificates and certificates of deposit.
  • Foreign currency exchange and remittance services.
  • Asset management and the production of index reports.
  • Succession, will, and estate planning consultancy.

You can check also the website for more information about the business strategies.

Private banking for business owners

Private banking is designed to provide a practical service for individuals who don’t have the time to micro-manage their wealth day to day but who want to know it’s in safe hands. This is particularly useful if you’re in business and need to know that your money is working for you rather than simply accruing standard bank-level interest, and all the more so if the nature of your work means that you need to preserve a certain degree of liquidity. If you have several companies, for instance, you may wish to ensure that you are in a position to move money quickly between them to meet their changing needs. A private bank manager will discuss this with you, provide tailored advice and ascertain your best options. It’s no wonder that the world’s richest people, from Spiro Latsis to Queen Elizabeth, use services like this.

Things to consider

Before deciding whether or not to give private banking a try, think about your needs, what’s most practical in relation to your business interests and where you feel most comfortable striking a balance between hands-on control and the trust in others’ expertise that can free you up to do other work. Remember that not all private banks are the same and you can talk things through with managers to see if they are able to offer you a deal that feels right. When people find such deals they tend to last a long time – sometimes for generations – so it’s worth taking your time to make the right decision now. To learn more about the Private Banking model to help you grow your business and be on the path to financial freedom click the website