5 Career Planning Tips for College Students

College Students

This is quite a strange time to be entering college. On one hand, you’ve got a difficult financial mountain to climb. All of the costs involved in going to school, from college credits to books to room and board are all on the rise, while the economy continues to drain most Americans’ bank accounts and emergency funds. The federal government is certainly not immune to the pinch, which means there are fewer grants and scholarships, and competition for that free cash is fierce. On the other hand, you’ll face an uncertain job market upon graduation. The economy has begun to turn around, and many companies have relaxed their hiring freeze and begun to recruit talent once again. Yet competition is incredibly fierce here as well, as there are millions of experienced and talented professionals looking to work after years of unemployment rates hovering around double figures. This means you’ve got to think long and hard about your future career while in school, to make sure you don’t face a long struggle to find work while trying to pay off five or even six figures of student loan debt. Here are five career planning tips to help college students wade through all of this uncertainty. If you want to get detailed information about highly reputed colleges, visit this website: https://gamikia.com/.

First of all, regardless of your major you should reach out to the career department at your school and set up some counseling sessions. Colleges large and small employ guidance counselors dedicated to helping graduates move from the educational world into the job market. They’ll help you figure out which career is the right fit for your interests and your academic journey, and hopefully match that with a position that is currently in demand. You’ve got to think strategically right now, and these people could be your best asset.

While your college GPA is important, make sure you also choose the right extracurricular activities. You’ve got to juggle a lot in college, and your time is important. Make sure you choose clubs and sports that will help turn you into a well-rounded candidate in the eyes of a hiring manager. Companies with open positions will receive hundreds of applications and resumes. Many of them will detail similar GPAs and majors, all from prestigious universities. What might make the difference are these extracurricular activities that help make you a better fit for a particular company’s culture. Check out this website https://myvoxtopia.com/ to get more tips about college education.

You might also want to reach out to your favorite professors for a bit of added perspective. Professors in your major have interacted with you in several classes and will understand your strengths and weaknesses perhaps better than you do. They also have watched years of students come and go, and heard how they did in the job market. They may be able to help you land on an approach that distinguishes you from other candidates, and point you toward the subject matter that will best prepare you for a particular career.

Next, try to craft your own career trajectory. Chances are you’ll graduate and end up in an entry-level position. But that surely isn’t your final goal. Try to lay out a map for your future career that you can follow when applying for jobs. You should know how that low-paying position will prepare you to move up the ladder. You’ll need to know what you want to create, and will have to push to make it happen. Raises and additional responsibilities won’t just be handed out. You’ll have to reach out and take them.

Finally, try to find other graduates who studied your major at school who are now out in the job field. If you’re working towards an MBA in strategic management, look for others with MBAs who are doing well. Ask for a meeting and find out what worked and what didn’t. Their experience should hopefully help you avoid some missteps, and speed up your trajectory along the career path you desire. Learn more about choosing the right degree for your better career on this website: https://bbcnewspoint.com/.