3 Ways to Build Yourself Up for Stronger Career Opportunities


The news media often carry stories claiming the recession is over, that Western economies are now on the mend, and they are growing slowly but surely. That may be so, but the economic environment for ordinary people is still incredibly challenging. How do you progress in your career in times like these?

Take a vocational course

If you need to improve your prospects, taking the right college course could be a good choice.

The cost of attending college can seem daunting, and it’s true that starting a liberal arts degree may not be the safest bet in terms of financial benefits. But there are plenty of courses out there that will make you far more employable, whether you are looking to start your career, further your qualifications or change career following redundancy. If you are looking for someone guidance about starting your professional career, visit this website https://matthewbourne.org/ for further details.

Vocational courses are often quite specialized. If you want to improve your prospects over a broader range of career possibilities, it could make sense to enroll in a business administration degree, whether it’s a first degree or a master.

Looking for a college in New Jersey, for instance, that specializes in this area of education and also offers part-time programs for those in employment. A business qualification is relevant in just about every sector of employment and has the added advantage of being a big help to people who want to start their own small enterprises.

Internships and volunteer opportunities

In today’s climate, job-seekers need to think in the long term, and to be prepared to work for free, with future opportunities in mind. Internships and volunteer opportunities are now a fact of life. Whilst many feel the practice can be exploitative, the truth is that as a job-seeker you are likely to benefit from a spell as an intern or a volunteer.

To look on the bright side, these opportunities are easier to come by than paid professional positions, and an internship with an ethical company can be an excellent learning experience. Some internships pay a small salary. Otherwise, assuming you need to earn your living, you may need to look for part-time positions. Even half a day a week volunteering in a field you are interested in shows commitment and will be valued by prospective employers. Learn more about career opportunities on this website: https://soundandmotionmag.com/.

Spruce up your CV

Just about everything you have done in life can be shown to have some sort of relevance to a prospective employer. Don’t downplay time you have spent at home in a caring role. The skills which are involved in running a household or caring for an old person can be transferred to employment, and you should point that out.

On the other hand, don’t go in for empty self-praise. It’s good to point out that you spent five years running the family home on a shoe-string, gaining management and budgeting skills. It’s not so good to describe yourself as a genius at management without explaining and backing up that statement.

Even in hard times, most people find ways to progress and get satisfaction in their working lives. If you look at gaining more relevant qualifications and taking on some unpaid work, you are doing what you can to be among their number. Brush up your CV as well, and things should soon start to look up.

Andrew King is a career counselor. He loves to share his best tips for finding the right career on business blogs. Visit this website https://new-politics.net/ for detailed information about achieving your goals or developing a successful career.