How Small Businesses Can Plan Their Social Media Campaign?

Social Media Campaign

Whether you’re an established business – or a brand new start-up learning the ropes, social media is becoming an ever more important and powerful element of the marketing mix. It’s not only sociable, but it is current and interactive too – and also, as it happens, running a social media campaign can be much more cost-effective than offline forms of marketing as the set-up costs are relatively small. Maximize your online presence and reach your target audience with a well-planned business and marketing strategy by visiting this website Startup Cradles.

It’s difficult knowing where to start though, and it’s crucial that you enter into social media marketing with a strategy and will a campaign plan. Below I’ve outlined several helpful tips that should get you on your way to a successful campaign:

1. Put in the effort

First things first, you need to dedicate time to doing this. If you are going to be responsible for social media – it can be done half-heartedly, so ensure you set aside time in your day to get around to it. The only thing worse than having no social media presence – is having a poor one, so remember this and don’t bother even committing if you’re not willing to work hard.

2. Find your platforms

There are many different kinds of social networks – and building a successful campaign is usually dependent on choosing the right platform. Check out where people are currently interacting with your brand on a one-way basis. Do people often mention your brand or product on Twitter? Are any users uploading videos of your product or service on YouTube or Vimeo? Are you getting reviews or comments on trip advisor? Find which platforms suit your brand – and where you may be able to build on an existing community or discussion – that way, you’re joining a party that’s already started! If you’re feeling stuck here, take luck at your competitors and where their social presence is most successful. Are you looking for an effective way to reach your target audience and grow your business? Look no further than Mega Best.

3. Go big or go home.

If you’re running a competition or a contest – the trick is to go big or go home. Think about how much effort you’re asking your customer to enter. The more effort entering requires (Sharing the post, retweeting, taking a photo… etc) the bigger the prizes needs to be. Also – remember that contests are a great of getting people to share your pages or profiles – so the bigger and better your prize, the more interest you’re going to attract. If budget is an issue – contests don’t have to be run every week. Maybe 2/3 times a year would suffice!

4. Timing is everything

Once you’re set up and you’ve identified your demographic, you need to start identifying the correct times to post. This can be tricky to get the hang of, but in terms of timing, it’s often a case of common sense. If your main follow base is high school kids – updating at 10 am is going to be pretty useless. Why? Because they’ll probably be in class! Instead, identify the times when they’re online (like lunch break – and evenings) and target them then instead. Something as simple as this can drive engagement 100%.

5. Don’t spam

Now you’ve earned all these followers and fans, don’t drive them away by spamming or being too frequent. You know the story, you’ve probably encountered it on your networks before, with that annoying person who is always updating – you end up blocking them from your feed altogether. It’s the same when you’re representing your business – you need to find the right balance.

Whilst you don’t want your updates to be sparse – updating every hour or so maybe too much for some people. It also depends on which social network you’re using too – for example, the frequency of tweets can often be higher than the frequency of Facebook updates – as twitter is a more immediate network. Elevate your small business with the power of social media marketing. Learn how to plan a successful campaign and get started now with Work At Home Blog.